4 Pin Peterson Power Amp Module Rebuild Kit
€69,74 excl taxes
This rebuild kit is for the early Fender Rhodes pianos that have the 4 pin Peterson Power Amp Module.
The standard rebuild kit includes the parts to rebuild and repair most issues with a blown or old and crusty power amp module.
Germanium transistors are no longer manufactured so they cannot be included in these kits. Hence Vintage Vibe have developed a Silicon Conversion kit. The sound produced by the silicon transistors is very much the same as the original germaniums and as an added bonus, they are much more stable, less temperature sensitive, less prone to leakage and are capable of handling higher current before failure.
The Silicon Conversion option includes a pair of matched output transistors, corresponding bias resistors and thermal isolation pads for easy installation without messy heatsink paste!
Please refer to the schematic below and be aware that the transistor pinouts may not match the originals, so check the transistor pinout file below as well.
4 Pin Amp Module Rebuild Kit Schematic
If you are in any way unsure of your capabilities to do this installation, err on the side of caution and get a professional to do it for you. Installation is entirely at your own risk.
The contents of each kit are listed below:
• Electrolytic capacitors
• Power resistors
• 2N3391A Transistors
• Everything in the Standard Kit
• Matched pair silicon output transistors
• Thermal insulators for output transistors
• Bias Resistors for silicon output transistors